Archive for May, 2010


It’s Wedding Season

“What do you like better, Christmas or wedding season?”

“Yes, um, the answer would be wedding season.”

– Wedding Crashers –

Tyson and Sophia

Well it is that time of year… It is nice as this year Sophia and I get to enjoy weddings instead of planning for one.  The first one of the year was my cousin Erin’s where the reception was at my parents house.  It was a lot of fun to have family in town.  The night before the wedding a couple of us guys went indoor go kart racing at Sky Kart in Tukwila.  I have not been to this indoor track since I was in High School, it was a blast.  I definitely woke up the next day sore, I never thought driving a go kart crashing into the wall would make me sore, I guess it is a sign that I am getting old.  It was a lot fun as we definitely rocked the jump suites that I am sure no one wears but we had fun with it.
Indoor Go Kart Racing
The wedding was beautiful.  The weather did not co-operate with us as it was cold and rainy for the reception.  We made the best of the poor weather and enjoyed getting together to celebrate Erin’s wedding.  It was fun for Sophia and I see the action behind the scenes preparing my parents house for a wedding.  We are excited for all the weddings to come in 2010, just glad we are not stressing out planning one.
Sophia and Jeri Wedding Preperations
Rule #35: Never commit to a relative unless you’re sure they have a pulse.

Rule #16: Give me an up-to-date family tree. That was your mistake. You made me look like an idiot.

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!

Rule No.5: “You’re an idiot”



Well, well, well, it has been a while since I have been able to blog.  Well this is not going to be much of a blog post as it will answer where the heck I have been.  I had a job change at work and it has consumed my life much to the dismay to my beautiful wife Sophia!  I have been spending long hours at the dealership (Art Gamblin Motors).  It has involved me changing or trying to change my sleeping habits as I try to get to work before 7:00 AM.  Some people like Sophia have to be at work at 4:00AM, but me being at work before 7:00AM is tough for me!

So, what am I doing now, well I am buying used cars.  It has been a lot of fun thus far but very stressful.  I am searching auction run lists and trying to buy cars with low day supply so they sell quickly.  Football is starting up again and Spring ball is just around the corner.  I am excited to be coaching again this year.  Sophia is still working at the hospital in Enumclaw and things seem to be going great, the Hospital is trying to become certified to have its own nursing school for employees who are trying to get their RN.  This is a huge blessing as Sophia has been applying for Nursing schools.

Well I guess that is the update, I am going to be back with more especially with the new Buick Regal hitting dealership lots and also the rumors surrounding a GM and Google project!

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May 2010

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